San Joaquin River Conservancy Mission

The San Joaquin River Conservancy is an agency of the State of California created by the Legislature to create the San Joaquin River Parkway by: acquiring 5,900 acres from willing sellers for Parkway purposes; enhancing and restoring riparian, floodplain, and other habitats, and conserving natural and cultural resources on its lands; and developing and managing its lands for public recreational and educational uses compatible with resource protection. The Conservancy also assists other entities in conserving and improving their lands for the Parkway. The Conservancy works to facilitate the development of the Parkway, cultivate public support, and secure its future.

San Joaquin River Conservancy Act

California All logo


Gavin Newsom


Governor's website

Wade Crowfoot


Wade Crowfoot

California Natural Resources Agency

Secretary's webpage

Executive Officer

Kari Kyler Daniska

San Joaquin River Conservancy