The Conservancy’s Mission

The San Joaquin River Conservancy is a regionally governed agency created to develop and manage the San Joaquin River Parkway, a planned 22-mile natural and recreational area in the floodplain extending from Friant Dam to Highway 99. The Conservancy’s mission includes acquiring approximately 5,900 acres from willing sellers; developing, operating, and managing those lands for public access and recreation; and protecting, enhancing, and restoring riparian and floodplain habitat.

San Joaquin River Conservancy Act

San Joaquin River Parkway Activities Calendar

News and Announcements:

The San Joaquin River Conservancy Governing Board will meet on Wednesday August 7, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. At the Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District 5469 E Olive Ave., Fresno, CA 93727.

Agenda / Meeting Link

Executive Officer Press Release

Wildwood Native Parks Service Contract Intent to Award

C23100020 / C23100021

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