30X30 California Special Event
September 4, 2024
The California Natural Resources Agency, along with the San Joaquin River Conservancy, San Joaquin River Parkway and Conservation Trust, and the Sequoia Riverlands Trust hosted a “30×30 California Special Event.” Secretary Wade Crowfoot delivered a powerful opening address before giving the stage to the panel of local leaders in conservation.
30×30 is a statewide goal of conserving 30% of California’s lands and coastal waters by 2030. The 30×30 goal is intended to help accelerate conservation of our lands and coastal waters through voluntary, collaborative action with partners across the state to meet three objectives: conserve and restore biodiversity, expand access to nature, and mitigate and build resilience to climate change. California’s 30×30 commitment is part of a global effort to increase biodiversity conservation, including in the United States.
The day was filled with inspiring discussions, which focused on needs, current efforts, and future opportunities for conservation in the San Joaquin Valley. Attendees discussed the San Joaquin Valley’s unique role in building deep connections to place and community.