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San Joaquin River Conservancy BoardThe San Joaquin River Conservancy Board is composed of sixteen voting members. The Honorable Bobby Macaulay, ChairpersonSupervisor, County of Madera Kacey Auston, Vice-ChairpersonDirector, Fresno Metropolitan Flood Control District The Honorable Garry BredefeldSupervisor, County of Fresno The Honorable Cecelia GallegosMayor, City of Madera The Honorable Mike KarbassiCouncilmember, City of Fresno Julie VanceRegional Manager, Department of Fish and Wildlife Kent GreshamSector Superintendent, Department of Parks & Recreation Jennifer NorrisExecutive Director, Wildlife Conservation Board Gloria SandovalDeputy Secretary for Access, Natural Resources Agency Grace KatoActing Executive Officer, State Lands Commission Matt AlmyProgram Budget Manager, Department of Finance Bryn ForhanCitizen Representative, City of Fresno Daniel O’ConnellCitizen Representative, Fresno County Jose Eduardo ChavezCitizen Representative, Madera County VacantTribal Representative Stephanie RuizYouth Representative The San Joaquin River Conservancy Board generally holds open public meetings on the first Wednesday of each month. The meetings commence at 9:00 a.m. unless otherwise noticed. For further information or to request a copy of staff reports (available one week prior to the Board meeting), please email |
Agendas, Meeting Minutes, and Board Packets Have Moved |