Grants and Funding

The Conservancy’s bond funds are appropriated in the California Wildlife Conservation Board’s (WCB’s) budget. Any acquisitions, improvements, or grants using these funds are at the direction of and require approval by the Conservancy, as well as the WCB.

Remaining Funds that are specifically allocated to the Conservancy to provide for Parkway capital development have been included in the following voter-authorized bonds:

Prop 40: Clean Water, Clean Air, Safe Neighborhood Parks, and Coastal Protection Act of 2002

Approved by the voters in March 2002, Prop 40 included an additional $25 million for Parkway land acquisitions and public access and recreation projects.

Prop 84: Safe Drinking Water, Water Quality and Supply, Flood Control, River and Coastal Protection Bond Act of 2006

Prop 84 included $36 million for the Conservancy to acquire property and provide for habitat enhancement, public access, and recreation.

Prop 1: The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act of 2014

The Water Quality, Supply, and Infrastructure Improvement Act (Proposition 1, 2014) included $10 million for San Joaquin River multi-benefit ecosystem and watershed protection and restoration projects implemented by the Conservancy (PRC §79731(g)). The bond fund allows the Conservancy to carry out local assistance and capital outlay projects associated with watershed climate change adaptation, river parkway restoration, state obligations of the SJR Restoration Program settlement, reducing wildfire risks and surface water pollution, and other projects consistent with Proposition 1, statewide priorities, and the Conservancy’s mission and plans.

Prop 68: California Drought, Water, Parks, Climate, Coastal Protection, and Outdoor Access For All Act of 2018

Proposition 68 is codified in the Public Resources Code and the Water Code. Proposition 68 authorizes $4 billion in general obligation bonds to finance a drought, water, parks, climate, coastal protection, and outdoor access for all program and includes $6 million for the San Joaquin River Conservancy. The Conservancy’s Proposition 68 Grant Program Guidelines are still being finalized and will specifically pertain to grants funded by Proposition 68 and administered by the Conservancy.

The available bond funds will provide for significant development of the Parkway in the near term; however, they will not fund full build-out of the long-term planned Parkway. As the currently authorized bond funds are expended, other sources of funding for acquisition and development of the Parkway will need to be secured.

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